We judge, criticize and even punish ourselves for not being good enough: We say or think nasty things about ourselves, we feel worthless, we think that we don’t deserve to be happy. We loose respect for ourselves.
This attitude weakens us extremely. It binds our attention in repetitive and hopeless thoughts. It awakes feelings of guilt and penitence. We squeeze our bodies and suffer.
Self-respect is the ability to look at our weaknesses and failures, no matter how painful or frightening they are. If we manage to do so, we can learn from our weaknesses, and every failure becomes a chance to learn and grow.
In this presentation you will see in several demonstrations how you can learn to develop basic self-respect. This will enable you to face difficult situations with more confidence. And you may learn to look forward to what life might bring to you each new day – with expectation and curiosity.
Presentation on Saturday, June 8th, 2013 in the Open World Center, Moscow (www.openw.ru).