La esclavitud de la perfección

Fear of failing, need of appreciation, lack of confidence – these are different forces which push us to strive to be perfect: We have to do everything right. Our attention focuses on avoiding doing mistakes, thus forgetting our personal goals and wishes. The more we try to avoid mistakes, the more we get scared of failing, and the more efforts we do to be perfect. We don’t dare to risk in order to win. We cling to proven strategies, loosing our creativity, and with time, our love for life. We become slaves of perfection. To excel in life we need to learn from our mistakes, and thus dare to do them. We need to be willing to be imperfect. This is a fearful experience. In several individual demonstrations you can learn how you cling to perfection, which efforts you do to avoid failing, and how to relax these efforts in order to focus your full attention and energy on the goals and wishes that are really dear to you. Presentation and demonstrations Saturday, April 13th, 2013, 19 h in Open World Center (, Moscow. Free admission.

Solo para siempre?

How to stop being isolated from the world around Loneliness is often experienced as a kind of isolation, emptiness or senselessness. Lonely people feel that life lacks joy and warmth. Loneliness happens when we are not able to perceive life surrounding us. Socializing is frequently used as a strategy to alleviate the sensation of loneliness. Other strategies are distracting our mind (with internet, gaming or shopping), or using alcohol. None of those strategies gives permanent relief: As soon as the effect of the strategy passed, we meet again our loneliness. Yet we continue using the same strategy because we want to get away from loneliness as fast as possible. We don’t face loneliness, and get even deeper into our isolation. Loneliness is a body experience. To step out of it, you can learn to face it, paying attention to how you create and hold its experience in your body. You can recognize different repetitive efforts, moods and thoughts that alienate you from life around you. And you can experience how while letting go these efforts, you start stepping out of isolation. Presentation and practical demonstrations: Saturday, March 16th, 2013, 19 h in the Open World Center (, Moscow.

Una manera de gestionar la culpa

Guilt is a strong experience that arouses when we do something that causes suffering to others or us. Its unpleasant experience aims to prevent us from creating suffering again. This very useful experience gets often twisted into suffering: We carry a continuous sense of guilt whenever we step out of predefined patterns of who and how we should be. This alienates us from who we are and from what we want. We use guilt to diminish ourselves, instead of taking responsibility and using it to stop suffering. The original function of guilt gets lost. So, when we hurt others, we often even don’t notice it. You break this vicious circle by paying attention to the way you create and hold the experience of guilt in your body. You get instructions and focus your attention to specific efforts, positions and ways of breathing. You learn to experience the mood when feeling guilty, without loosing yourself in emotional stress. You learn to use guilt as a mayor way of learning out of mistakes. As a result, you can evolve in life towards who and what you want to be. Presentation and practical demonstrations: Open World Center (, Sunday, February 17th, 19 h.

La trampa de la preocupación – y cómo salir

We worry when we are afraid that something bad will happen to us: We try to find solutions in our minds, shifting our attention inwards. Worry steals our joy, and keeps us busy doing nothing. We worry, because we have a body sensation of fear, discomfort or pain. It is easier for us to worry, than to agree to feel these unpleasant sensations. So we get stuck in worry. You can learn in a practical way to shift your attention from the worries in your mind, to the real experience in your body. As a result, you get a tool that enables you to stop worrying. And you learn to collect your best capabilities to face the situation that worried you before.   Public presentation in Open World Center, Moscow ( on Saturday, January 19th, 7 p.m. local time

Gestionar el miedo

Fear is one of the most powerful forces that drive us in life. It can make us move beyond our borders, but it can also paralyze us. Learning to deal with fear allows us to use this amazing power to achieve our aims. Fear is a body function that makes us stay awake when facing challenges. It sharpens our senses and makes us more alive. It allows us to deal with new situations, whose outcome we don’t know. It allows us to develop new ideas and go new ways. Fear is not always comfortable. It makes us feel uneasy or exposed. Therefore, most people try to avoid it. Fear becomes for them an unbearable experience. They create patterns around it, spending a big deal of their energy trying to get rid of it. They get into a fight that is impossible to win, as fear is a natural body function. As a consequence, they start suffering from anxiety, nervousness, or even depression. You can learn to pay attention how you create and hold different patterns around fear. You will learn practical and simple steps how to let these patterns go, and how to stop being a victim of fear. You can recover your ability to deal with fear, using it as a mayor source of motivation.

Elegir tener confianza

Confidence allows us to walk through life with the most efficiency and the least effort. It allows us to do what we want to do and to say what we need to say in a clear and simple way. Fear, pain and other strong experiences make us often forget that confidence is a choice: A choice of breathing, having a high level of energy, and being fully aware of our bodies. Instead, we diminish ourselves. We stop breathing and loose our physical energy. We try to find confidence in our minds, and fail resoundingly. You can learn to recognize your personal way of loosing confidence. And you can learn how you can get it back, choosing to shift your attention from your mind to your body.

El poder del enfado

Dangerous people or situations that threaten us or our wishes makes us angry. Anger makes us sharp, awake and powerful so we can protect ourselves. Anger arises spontaneously in given situations, and after dealing with the situation, it vanishes again. Anger is not always a liberating outburst, however. Sometimes we get stuck in it. We repeat angry thoughts. We feel helpless. We don’t know what to say. We feel guilty. We get stuck in hate. And worst of all, we become unable to stop the situation or person that attacks us. You can learn  what you usually do to twist the power of anger. You will recognize different attitudes, ways of thinking and moods that repeat when you become angry. You will learn how you can let them go. And you will see the surprising outcome of using anger naturally.

Aprender a tener confianza en la vida

Being confident allows us to be naturally us. We face life using our inborn qualities, thus being able to fulfill our needs and wishes in the best way possible. Confidence is an individual quality, rooted in our bodies. It’s a physical sense of self-worth. It does not depend on external factors such as success, money, knowledge, or recognition. Success is a result of confidence. When using success as surrogate of confidence, we actually reverse the situation, and we become dependent on the surrogate. When the surrogate fails, we are deeply scared. You can find out different ways how we relate to confidence, how you create as-if-confidence, and how you can learn to recover real confidence by using your attention and breathing.

Charla: aprender a dejar de sufrir migrañas 15.5.2012

Las migrañas suelen tener detonantes diversos (estrés, cambio del tiempo, estado hormonal, alimentación inadecuada, etc.). Sin embargo, en todos los casos, el cuerpo suele generar un conjunto de tensiones en la espalda alta, los hombros y la nuca.

Charla: aprender a dejar de sufrir migrañas 17.4.2012

Las migrañas suelen tener detonantes diversos (estrés, cambio del tiempo, estado hormonal, alimentación inadecuada, etc.). Sin embargo, en todos los casos, el cuerpo suele generar un conjunto de tensiones en la espalda alta, los hombros y la nuca. Además, las personas que sufren migrañas tienen una sensibilidad especial en la cabeza; cuando se da el detonante y se tensan, inducen automáticamente la migraña. En esta charla quiero presentar un programa práctico, sencillo y eficaz para aprender en 4 sesiones las herramientas básicas para dejar de sufrir cefaleas y migrañas. En este programa aprendes a prestar atención y a soltar las tensiones físicas, reduciendo notablemente el efecto de los detonantes sobre tus ataques de migraña. Adicionalmente, trabajamos sobre puntos especialmente excitables en el cráneo,  y tu cuerpo consigue relajar esta excitabilidad, reduciéndose sensiblemente tu propensión a tener migrañas. Esta presentación incluye varias demostraciones prácticas. Presentación a cargo de: Roberto Espinagosa, Profesional cualificado del Método Grinberg Presentación: Martes, 17 de abril de 2012, 20 h Lugar: Centro de practicantes del Método Grinberg c/Enric Granados 135, 3º 1ª 08008 Barcelona