Lent atoms

My body consists of lent atoms. I eat or inhale them, and they become part of my body, until they’re expelled again.

This means, my body is lent.

My “me“, my being, is probably not lent. But the whole rest yes.

So, if I’m lent, I’ll have to give it back some day.

What will happen?

The atoms will continuing being there, taking part of the atmosphere, the worms, other creatures… and I guess my “me“ will also continuing being there, somehow. Why it should disappear?

So, my body is a temporary combination of atoms, that ARE NOT MINE.

This means, we are not really important. It’s only my ego that gives an outstanding importance to something that doesn’t really have it.

What really is important is the time that we have lent the atoms.

We can waste this time, being unconscious, or we can praise it at every moment, being loyal to our own being, who received those atoms so generously – to express/act/expose/confront our being with the surrounding world (that also consists of lent atoms).