Seminar in Moscow: Life rhythm – the source of personal freedom

Each person is unique. Each person has individual traits. And each person has its own rhythm in life.

Our personal rhythm follows the genuine will of our heart. It tells us which steps we need to do. It knows what is the best for us at any given moment. It shows in our lives in the way we alternate between action and passivity, running and resting, doing and letting happen, talking and listening, effort and relaxation, or mind activity and silence.
It determines our speed of moving, eating and breathing, talking and thinking.
When being in our natural rhythm, we do what we need to do when it’s relevant, in the pace that we require, taking more time for some issues and directly not doing other issues that are irrelevant. Our body tells us when it’s time to act and when it’s time to finish.
Keeping our natural rhythm, we stay healthy, as we deal with our life energy in the most efficient way.

But we’re exposed continuously to external demands: expectations, obligations, commitments, agreements, or deals: with our family, our job, our friends, our believes or convictions… And all of them impose to us their own rhythm: they tell us how fast to move, which are the right moments for specific emotions, which are the correct thoughts, what, when and how much we shall eat or rest… They mark the time, speed and space of our whole existence.

When we’re not aware of this struggle, we can easily get entangled in a rhythm of life that is absolutely not ours. Then our life isn’t any more about us. It’s about an alien entity that basically fulfills tasks. We struggle to satisfy this entity, living in constant hurry and stress, ignoring our genuine needs. Life becomes empty and exhausting. We get digestion problems or resting disorders. And in the end, we loose any connection to our personal fulfillment.

The seminar “Recovering freedom through personal rhythm“ aims to teach to recognize how we continuously force our natural rhythm of life, and to let go these efforts. As a result, we recover our natural pace.

We will work with many factors that disturb our natural rhythm: movement and breathing patterns, physical tensions, daily life routines, judgments and expectations, frustration and heart pain. When facing these factors, we will discover the power that is stored in them. This will allow us to recover step by step our ability to choose and to follow the genuine will of our heart.

Being the last seminar of the row “A profound thirst for life“, this seminar aims to sum up all the learned in the previous 5 seminars. Again we will work with practical exercises, using amongst others breathing techniques and stopping movement to create a pragmatic and efficient learning:
Rhythm isn’t ethereal, but a very direct body experience. By training being with and without our personal rhythm, we become very aware of being us and not being us. Thus, the choice becomes very easy.

Due to the very personal work and the attention required for each participant, this seminar is limited to 8 participants.