The magic of life

The magic of life happens when we stop for a moment the automatic rhythm we are in, when we stop the rat race of everyday life.
This rat race binds our attention, and then directs our feelings and our way of moving in life. It makes us believe with every cell of our body that we only manage to get along because of keeping this race.
Obviously, it’s a response to fear. It’s the price we pay to stay safe from the unknown. Actually, we blackmail ourselves. And, as every blackmail, it’s a trap.
While racing, we focus on a future result. All our energy and attention is directed to the hope of achieving happiness or satisfaction in a moment that is out of our reach right now. By doing so, our momentary life vanishes. It becomes empty, grey and basically unbearable. And because it is so, we invest even more energy into any nonexistent moment, loosing any connection to the only place where we can be powerful and free: the here and now.
The only way out of this vicious circle is stopping the race. It’s taking a breath. It’s agreeing that fear happens, without giving it any importance. It’s agreeing to be touched by life, here and now, instead of trying to stay safe. And instead of looking inside, to our fears and insecurities, looking outside, to the magic world that surrounds us in every moment of life.

“A profound thirst for life“ is a row of 6 seminars that aim to teach tools to achieve our personal happiness. In each seminar, we work with a specific aspect of human suffering and we train practical exercises to learn to recover our power and confidence.
Next seminar: “Uncontrolling Emotions“, September 15th and 16th, 2018 in Moscow.